Favorite Quote: Writing is easy. You just open a vein and bleed. -- Red Smith & Paul Gallico
I'm a chef and an avid reader of all flavors, and perhaps one day I'll even get around to writing something. Want a recipe, Pony themed or not? Hit me up and I'll help you out!
A hobbyist author who simply could not resist returning to the fandom, because there's just something strangely difficult to resist about magical, talking, technicolour equines.
"You know, I like a man who watches things go on around. It means he'll make his mark someday."
Derpy, Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Belle, Chrysalis. Myself, summed up in four MLP characters. I'm a deeply flawed individual, but if you can get past that, I'm sure we can be the best of friends.
I became a brony after one of my few friends showed me the show to help me clear the depression of my dad's death.