Borrowed TimeEquestria has a destiny in mind for everypony. A transdimensional guest, however, is surprised to find that this even applies to him, especially since it seems this strange world wants to keep him as its newest infant princess. by Gambit Prawn
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LocksmithThe world is coming to an end and there is no way to stop it. Might as well accept any deals to keep on living. Still not feeling well enough about this but maybe holding the key to fate can change QuartzScale
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My Life as a Bipedal QuadrupedOur hero finds herself in a strange world, and in a strange new form. Maybe this could be a fresh start, you ask? The thing is that she wasn't aware she needed Snakeskin Ducttape
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Level Up! You have earned the Achievement: Thank you for having added High Score! to your favorites! Keep reading, I mean playing, if you want to grind to a 100 percent completion!
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