i'm a world builder not a story teller. whitch basicly means i'm good at making items and charactors not making stories about them.
hi just somepony who knows a few cursed individuals that get down voted for content but don't care because what they wright makes sense to them
Decided to update my bio finally. So if you're curious about my pic the link will be right here. https://purplestar01.deviantart.com/art/Melody-Of-The-Night-660088632
No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Babylon Five
If I cold begin to be half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you.
"Jimmy Hook's the Name, Transformations is my Game" (Victim of The Cursed Gift since September 2016)
People; I love to hate, love to love, hate to love, and hate to hate. Stories; is the same. Quality, how they look, doesn't matter... Only the inside matters, personality.
Otherwise known as Alastor Deer Daddy~
I’m am alive and you can’t stop me from taking the cores again (I was the hives chosen)