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- A nightmare pandemic sweeps Equestria, and Twilight and Starlight are contacted to search for answers. The catch: Starlight had them all along... sort of.DashTillDawn · 2.4k words · 11 0 · 534 views
- Bat ponies have always been outcasts, tossed from society. When one young stallion finds out who they truly are, all he wants to do is help. If only it were that simple...DashTillDawn · 3.1k words · 543 views
- If all Twilight had to do to become a princess was complete one of Starswirl's spells, then why couldn't Starlight do the same? That's exactly what Starlight intends to find out.DashTillDawn · 5.2k words · 19 1 · 770 views
- A pony is found, deep in the ice of the Frozen North. He had been comatose for thouands of years, until somepony woke him up, and rediscovered a long-forgotten piece of Equestrian history. Let's just say: it was forgotten for a reason.DashTillDawn · 23k words · 17 0 · 683 views
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