• Member Since 29th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago



I Need Help... · 7:00pm Feb 21st, 2019

I have been rolling "With a knock she came..." around for a while and decided to start writing again. If any of my followers would like to team up with me to make a readable and perhaps... Perhaps even a feature worthy story, drop me some comments.

I could really use some reinforcements from all of you...


Report Gorypony24 · 205 views ·
Comments ( 8 )
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Hell yeah! Really enjoying some of your storys!

thanks for the fave! :moustache:

thanks for the watch

so I have some questions, 1: Why Gorypony? and 2. Did you draw your own avatar? Because that isn't terrible. It's not great but it's not bad either. Better than I can do.

Anyway, thank you for the follow! I hope you enjoy Curse of Silence, Dead Tree and Bone Daddy or Luna's Marehood :)

Please do drop upvotes on the ones you like and downvotes on the ones you hate! I like honesty in the comments, it helps me be a better writer.
Chapter 26 of Fallout Equestria Dead Tree is out finally! And 27 is going to be finished sometime next week.

other insanity on my end, Traveling Pony Museum is publishing Dead Tree too! in hard back.

Come bug me on discord if you wanna talk more,


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