• Member Since 20th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Jan 18th, 2018

Random Encounter


Back on track · 5:57pm Aug 25th, 2017

Hello, everybody!

So, now that the recent chaos has passed, everything should be back to normal. I'm still trying to figure out a new writing schedule but I hope to be able to publish more chapters as until the end of the year.

In other news, Animun and the crew moved to a new adress, which leaves this account a Fallout: Equestria only!

It's good to be back, and I hope that I can keep entertaining you for a long time

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I've moved out!!! · 7:28pm Aug 18th, 2017

Hey everybody!

So, as you can see, or not see to be more acurrate, EVERYTHING HAVE BEEN MOVED TO MY OLD/ ORIGINAL ACCOUNT (the one I used to read)

"That is the dumbest shit you have ever done in your entire life '-_-" - Random Person

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Moving out! · 4:48pm Aug 18th, 2017

So, remember how I said I was planning on keeping this story a FoE only account? Well I just did :derpytongue2:

It's gonna be kind of an experience and if it doesn't work, I'll bring the gang back again so don't worry :raritywink:

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Status Update (Important question at the end of the post!) · 8:06pm Aug 11th, 2017

Hello everybody!

So, R.E. finished the next chapter of Until Death Do Us Part and is waiting for it to be edited so he can publish it!

on other news, the crew will go out on a long trip to try and convince a New Member to join us, so they're gonna be absent for a while.


As I was browsing through the library of "To be written stories" I found something really interesting... almost all of them were Fallout: Equestria related!

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204 Views! · 1:04am Jul 27th, 2017


Who would have guessed that the youngest member would be the most successful in the least time? -T.M.D.W.

Indeed, I'm surprised. -R.E.

Well, Now Tenebris is hiding in her house from all the sudden and actually unexpected attention -C.W.

Nah, she's just a bit self-conscious about her giant ears... She'll come back soon-ish... -T.M.D.W.

Well, since you're already here, why don't you tell them what's been going on? -A.S.S.

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Report Random Encounter · 436 views · #Fuuuuuck!

Editing notice and writing rotation · 2:53pm Jul 18th, 2017

Hello everybody!

So, aparently one of my friends messed something up and now is being chased away from his hive, right C.W.? -T.M.D.W.

I failed to recreate Cherry Jubilee's southern accent... My queen said that my poor performance could harm the future infiltrators learning of pony language. So she ordered me to fix it. -C.W.

Well, good luck with that. Now, I want to explain what we agreed to be the "writing rotation" (at least how we plan it.) -T.M.D.W.

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Holy shit! · 3:22pm Jul 7th, 2017

I took 1 day for The Queen of the Royal Guard to reach 108 views which took 3 months to Fallout: Equestria - Stars to reach 104 ... :rainbowderp:

- It only proves the superiority of who was born to accomplish such a task. (C.W.)

- The wasteland requires time and patience to get used to, but when you do, you'll conquer it. (R.E.)

Thank you guys for all the attention you've given these stories!

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What would you guys like? · 2:57pm Jul 2nd, 2017

So... I changed a bunch of stuff here but never actualy asked what you guys thought about it...

Would you like to see this account as an FoE only and I post a blog talking about another work I've done?

Or would you like this account to stay as iy is right now and have multiple kinds of stories?

I ask this because, to be honest, I have a fuck ton of FoE stories planned but only about, what? 3 - 5 stories not FoE related...

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Surprise! · 6:15pm Jun 30th, 2017

Surprise! :pinkiehappy:

Right now you might be wondering: "Why the hell did that idiot changed it's name and avatar? wtf?"

Well, I changed it because I planned for this account to be FoE only but you know what? Screw that!

Now you can call me Animus... or Anima ... or Mundus... or you can call me "The Mighty Draconequus WorldBuilder" (I like the last one a lot :trollestia:)

"Whatever! what about the story dumbass? FoE: Stars' chapter 7 is late as fuck!"

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Reason for my absence · 2:49pm Jun 16th, 2017

Hello, everybody!:pinkiehappy:

So... The reason for my silence lately is that I'm on a trip!
I'm visiting some long lost family members from the other side of the country, so I took this opportunity to chill and relax (or chillax :rainbowlaugh:)

But I haven't been completely inactive while I'm here! I have half of UDDUP chap 1 ready, and figured out a way to unstuck myself from the fighting scene in Stars chap 7!

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