EGADS · 7:11am Jun 1st, 2012
They have new pony emoticons!
More seriously, huzzah! Updates in abundance. Chapter 39's coming up real soon...
They have new pony emoticons!
More seriously, huzzah! Updates in abundance. Chapter 39's coming up real soon...
... And me.
WELL, finals were certainly fun. Good grades on all assignments I've been given feedback on thus far. What matters more is that I got through it all alive and now have a week and a half until my summer student research begins. Ah, the free time.
Let's get rolling again; the end is coming up!
3 Group Projects
2 Individual Projects
3 Papers
2 Exams
40 hrs work/week
Theatre involvement
All in the past week, this week, and half of next week. I've quite literally had 0 time for story work. I'll try and get something Thursday, as that's my Reading Recess break.
New favorite picture of her.
Credit to BlockEraser on deviantArt, you crazy awesome artist.
The show's, obviously, not my story's.
Anyways, AMAZING! Such a great episode. Best part by far is "This Day Aria", and in it the beginning where Chrysalis says "I have fooled them" and her eyes glow that menacing green and blue. Just breath-taking.
It lacked some history, and could have used some more Luna, but overall it was spectacular! Hope you all are faring well.
More chapters coming soon; advising break Tuesday and Wednesday!
... But I've just got an update.
200k+ views and 100 followers, yay!
Unfortunately at the moment I have 2 exams to study for, plus some group project work to get done by tomorrow. Still, I'll try my best to get Chapter 35 by tomorrow evening. I'll have Episode 9 all wrapped up by this weekend for sure; it's a doozy, and there's absolutely no way I could leave you guys hanging too long after any single chapter in it.
Happy mid-April day!
I believe I've mistakenly used "telekinetic" in place of "telepathic" in the past couple of chapters. Make that switch real quick in your minds and, if you can find it in your hearts, forgive me.
That's all. Now go read Chapter 34!
Yeah, so group projects are more of a hassle than I anticipated. Also... Fairy Tail is amazing. Blame those two things for such a long delay.
Hopefully tomorrow/today (Sunday) I'll get some more stuff done! Today was just one of those days where I didn't want to do anything, but I MADE myself do stuff. Don't you love those kinds of days?
My brain right now:
Not literally. Obviously.
A co-worker got hit by a car while riding home on her bike; because no one else seemed "able" (read: "willing") to take her shifts, I had to. On top of all this extra work, I had four group projects to juggle.
That, and I lost inspiration for a while. But I'm feeling back on track. Sorry for the week-long delay.