Changing ViewsOne moment I was enjoying life, the next... well, I'm not so sure, though I was hearing voices. Now, however? I'm the last survivor of my race. I'm not even human lllWarHawklll
132,163 words
· 2,361 · 61
HiE - A Hollow in EquestriaUlquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his caseby Charlie_K
1,261,058 words
· 1,840 · 164
Sup, thank you for adding “The Curious Alicorn” to Good Reads.
Let me know what you did and didn’t like about it, I like brutal honesty 😎
It's an exceptional story. It definitely deserves a place among my favorites.
I'm glad you seemed to like The Return of Sunset enough to add it to your library! Thanks so much!
I'm glad that you liked "Discord's Reformation Clinic".
What can I say, I've read one too many of your stories to justify not following you lol