What's this? · 12:07am Jan 12th, 2014
Could it be something has gone well, writing wise, for a change? Could be. Could very well be.
Very occasionally, I post pony stories. Twilight Sparkle is the best pony. I drink my tea with milk, no sugar. Those would be the important bits.
Could it be something has gone well, writing wise, for a change? Could be. Could very well be.
I have a feeling this is now mostly redundant, as I believe that many of you already know and follow either GhostOfHeraclitus or Bradel (who, sources indicate, got a blog post off about this in three seconds ), but Ghost just published his Obiter Dicta.
I've been a bit quieter than usual around here as of late. I've been getting a lot more serious about job hunting these last few months, and it's been a little bit distracting. There's certainly been no other reason.[1]
Really? Blast! Next you'll be telling me there's no hamper from Knighty for getting a thousand likes on a story. No golden throne for a thousand followers. Preposterous!
Recently I was called answer a few questions by a certain individual whose name may or may not start "RBDash" and end "47". I was very happy about this, which is a bit of an understatement. A friend of mine who happened to be in the same room as me when I got the PM described my excitement and elation as "adorable".
Not sure I should admit that, but what the heck, this is an anonymous account.
I'm in a bit of a funny mood right now. The kind that is wistful, prone to staring out into middle distance mood. A mood where I'm a bit surprised to be back to dealing with reality, where it is necessary to eat and sleep and even get up off my chair.
So "A Muddy Hole" was originally tagged as just [slice of life], but I'm wondering [comedy] could be justified too. I ended up putting in lots of moments that are simply there to make the reader laugh, even though the central theme, the idea that I started out with, is serious. But comedy can certainly tackle serious themes, indeed, some of the best are the best because they do so.
I don't know. I'm very on-the-fence here. Straw pole?
Okay, firstly, new short story. For reals this time. I’m going to put it to the submissions queue right after making this blog post, and hopefully it’ll be up shortly after that. And hey looksie here, it even has one of those fancy inkscape title graphics.
Tags: [Slice of Life][Applejack][Rarity]
So since I just bothered everyone, I might as well bother everyone again with a quick update...
So, Wanderer D, the awesome, Tony Stark-look-alike guy that he is, just posted a lengthy essay on why fan fiction is literature. It should come as no surprise to anyone who has delved into my ancient blog posts that I agree wholeheartedly (but for goodness sake, don't read my essay, read the linked essay—it's much better, written by someone who