Professional Lurker, specailises in proof reding
A writer that want to spread stories of all sorts throughout the world.
I will rise to greatness and begin A restorationist movement for the oddly Christianity-paralelling fandom which is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fandom.
Not really sure what to put here... I guess if you're reading this, post something random on my page :)
A human who was thrown from his world and brought to equestria as a pony dragon hybrid. I will use the powers I have gained to protect everyone as the bearer of the element of darkness
...As if I am expected to write an acceptable biography about myself with only a mere 200 characters? Don't be ridiculous!
I'm a bi 27 year old guy, 28 in February, who is a small YouTuber who is also a brony and a furry who likes reading fanfiction and making others happy. Big fan of the Rowdyruff boys.
Cynically Pretentious Hedonistic Nihilist...and those are my nicer qualities!
Someone who will eventually submit a story here to be ridiculed and laughed at, but not today! I'll just continue to lurk on this site and read stories about magical ponies and their many adventures.
Writer, reader, and a fan of the fandom. Keep making awesome stuff guys!
a troper from Norway. can't currently be on FIMfiction because i'm keeping up with RWBY and r/RWBY and r/anime
From Iron, cometh Strength. From Strength, cometh Will. From Will, cometh Faith. From Faith, cometh Honour. From Honour, cometh Iron. This is the Unbreakable Litany, and may it forever be so.
New to all this but glad to be here! BTW 66 is not birth year or age lol
a common user of the internet, that like MLP:FisM. likes to read good literature, play video games (console of choice PS3-4) and play Magic TCG.
Dash is best pone Avatar image credit to