Discord was not pleased to find himself banished from entering Equus or it's realm. He is not so easily discouraged either, a puppet master is always willing to pull a few strings to make the set just right for the play. So he'll break the cosmic binds that hold him back and do whatever is necessary to get back even if he has to mold a soul or two to make puppets that do his bidding.
But Charlotte isn't exactly the type of puppet to allow her strings to be played with. But she has to bide her time, she needs to know what rules they may or may not be. But something is burning in her mind, why is a dimension hopping demon so keen on getting his hands onto a realm that wants nothing to do with him...
...And what did he do to be exiled?
This story takes place within the same story as Chipped Shield both are meant to be seperate journeys for each stories but they both have history with one another. If you wish to read this in order just know these stories co-exist on the same time and when either meets each other at any point I will note the chapter they both collide with.