• Member Since 5th Nov, 2016
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Scriptz Error

Art made by This Amazing Artist


After Twilight's big fight and clean up of Tirek's and Discord's mess with the power of friendship Celestia is on duty to clean the rest of the hysteria. But there's something that requires her attention first... something unworldly that shouldn't have known what had happened.

A single earth pony.

Chapters (1)

It was supposed to be a test, one of monumental weight that decided the future of Equestria. Sending Twilight and her friends to save the Crystal Empire. Celestia had doubts but she thought they were able to step up to the challenge.

But to her worry, she had not received a report or letter for the past two hours. What kind of heinous punishments was Twilight enduring? What vile, disastrous magic was being inflicted upon her?

Would Sombra even keep her alive?

Celestia quivered in the wake of the possible answer that Twilight was unsuccessful in defeating a true villain.

Chapters (3)

Discord was not pleased to find himself banished from entering Equus or it's realm. He is not so easily discouraged either, a puppet master is always willing to pull a few strings to make the set just right for the play. So he'll break the cosmic binds that hold him back and do whatever is necessary to get back even if he has to mold a soul or two to make puppets that do his bidding.

But Charlotte isn't exactly the type of puppet to allow her strings to be played with. But she has to bide her time, she needs to know what rules they may or may not be. But something is burning in her mind, why is a dimension hopping demon so keen on getting his hands onto a realm that wants nothing to do with him...

...And what did he do to be exiled?

This story takes place within the same story as Chipped Shield both are meant to be seperate journeys for each stories but they both have history with one another. If you wish to read this in order just know these stories co-exist on the same time and when either meets each other at any point I will note the chapter they both collide with.

Chapters (1)

Usually stories would contain crazy adventures and friendships blossoming within Equestria but this isn't some fantasy with a high at the end...

This is about Astral, a human stuck in the world that just isn't okay with how things are going. A journal is made in hopes to raise his spirits and help him through his feelings.

Chapters (1)

Anon has been working weeks on end to create his masterpiece, his magnum opus.

Every drip of sweat and blood with fastfood and coffee as your energy to slave away at the story.

So how does Twilight react to this? Uhhhhhhhh....

If you are Leech, Anon Pencil or the world's strongest writer uh, I am terribly sorry...

Read some reviews about this wonderful story!

I love it, and am grateful for my editor so I don't end up like that


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Tea time

Not necessarily a sequel so you don't need to read it's prequel to understand.

In one of Twilight's tea meetings with Celestia she had a question that she has been meaning to ask ever since she became the princess of friendship.

What follows may turn her whole life around and second guess her entire existence.

Featured on 12/22/21

Reviews of this wonderful story!

Now this is a good one. 9/10

shadow wolf1573 -

Oh, Sunbutt... I thought I knew where this was going, but that ending...

Angel Midnight -

Chapters (1)

Anon was just a normal human until he got transported to Equestria!

Just thought to spin off the HIE because I like the idea of y'know a fan going to gen 5 instead.

Read some reviews about this wonderful story!

Really would make for a bad time to be in a world of people who unfairly judge others based on attributes they have no direct control over. Nothing at all like the current state of things.

-Vaguely Demented

Chapters (1)

Twilight has had the luxury of being the first to learn of this new creature called Anon! Celestia has full trust that Twilight will learn of Anon's origins and become friends with all! Too bad his existence and knowledge bring some alarms to their own existence.

And eventually, get a little awkward about what this all means...A little crazy for all!

Sex tag is for indication or innuendos of such lewd acts such as hoof holding.

Chapters (1)

King Thorax has been having a very rebellious group of changelings that haven't accepted his rules or his new kind of feeding for them. With little to no experience in the matters of leadership and well- friendship, he has come to bring the matter with a yearly visit meeting with the other leaders to ask Celestia in private.

But the answer she may bring will be somewhat of a shock to the newly made king, and even more so with the group of drones that are involved but they may find some kind of peace with the new terms.

Some goofing around and silliness may ensue with these ragtag changelings making a big step forward to something bigger.

Chapters (1)

What made you think Nightmare moon was just evil magic personified? Nightmare moon is just as princess Luna and vice versa, two sides of the same coin.

So when she comes back and her sister expects some kind of change? She has nothing but pure hatred and boiling blood like poison for her sister.

Featured 12/17/2021 8:52 PM PST

Chapters (5)