• Member Since 14th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen May 1st, 2024

Elkia Deerling

Hello, my name is Elkia. I like writing stories and reading them dearly, and I am a big fan of Nordic culture. Enjoy my fiction!


Three unforgettable memories reveal the honest but gloomy truth about Octavia Melody and the struggle in her heart. Will her marefriend understand what she is trying to say?

A million thanks to Wireframe for prereading!

Chapters (4)

April Fool’s challenge: ‘Write a story or one-shot using only direct dialogue and onomatopoeia.’

Not even the Great and Powerful Trixie is safe when Zephyr Breeze wants to boast about his latest brilliant plan. Yes, of course it involves Rainbow Dash!

Thanks to Simon Lanz for prereading and HUGE thanks to Wireframe for prereading, support, and creative ideas. Our friendship is as strong as Bulk Biceps, and that is not a joke.

Chapters (1)

To celebrate the completion of the largest ship ever built, it sails on its maiden voyage from Baltimare to Trottingham on a romantic cruise, with Twilight and her friends onboard.

But something happens as soon as the S.S. Ocean’s Embrace sails to open water. Very soon the ponies get tied up in a number of unexpected, strange, beautiful, hilarious, exciting, or fantastical relationships. All of them very cliché, but to the ponies, very real as well. Is there something like too much love in the air? Does it have anything to do with the fact that today is Hearts and Hooves Day?

Massive thanks to Wireframe for co-editing, proofreading, and commenting. Without your invaluable advice, this story would not have come to life on paper. You’re the best editor—and friend—an author could ever wish for.

Chapters (7)

Every original character has a background story, and you’re about to read mine. For years and years I’ve tried to postpone writing this tale, for fear of diving up traumatic experiences and unpleasant memories. Yet one cold winter day, my brother enters my little cabin in the woods, and soon enough I find myself sitting behind my typewriter writing down what happened to me and him from beginning till end. I still don’t believe how I did that.

Indeed, my story is not a happy fairy tale where everything is bathed in sunshine and unicorns dance on the proverbial rainbows. In the beginning it does look like that, with my brother and I, our mother, the great herd of elks, deer, and reindeer, and the guarding of the Shimmering Eye making up the happiest part of my life. But very soon a game of predator and prey is played on a snowy and dark winter plain. After that, I end up in a very peculiar village, where I discover my true talent thanks to a very special somepony. Then love somehow wriggles itself into my life, followed closely by deceit. Believe me when I say the two go hoof in hoof. Next, I find myself abducted to another village, even stranger than the first, where I am forced to use my talents for a dictator’s regime. And what happens next…? You’ll have to discover that as you read.

Every story has a sliver of the writer’s soul in it, and in this story, I practically poured all of my soul. I hope it will help you to get to know me and my brother better. And if that is not your goal, then I hope it will teach you something. And if that too, is not your goal, then let me and my brother’s (mis)adventures at least entertain you from beginning till end. Read on, and discover a story about brothers and antlers.

Thanks to Caroline Cottrell for prereading. I know I can always count on you!

Chapters (18)

When a young man, stricken by the terrible, black web of depression, tries to do the ultimate deed, the ponies of his favorite television show are doing whatever they can to save him from himself. Will it be enough?

This story contains graphic scenes of pure emotion and depression, and may be confronting to read. Also, this story may or may not contain a lonely, tragic, and horrible death.

Thanks to Caroline Cottrell for prereading and editing. I am so grateful that I can always trust you with my darkest thoughts.

Chapters (1)

Two worlds, Equestria and Earth, become more and more alike. Earth has been destroyed by nuclear bombs, making life in the radiation-filled dystopia a struggle. But life in Equestria too, becomes bleak and terrifying, as the changelings launch a new invasion, and finally succeed in bringing Equestria to its knees.

The elements of harmony have been lost and scattered, teleported to a new and horrible world. Together, Twilight and her friends have to tread the radioactive face of Earth to find the elements that have been lost and defeat Queen Chrysalis. Luckily--or unluckily-- they receive help from a very strange pony, a pony who came from Equestria, but has been shaped to fight in the brutal war on earth that still goes on to this very day. His name is Triggerhoof.

Chapters (26)

Hello, dear reader. It’s me, Sweet Tooth, the writer. I guess writing three bestseller novels makes me a ‘famous’ writer. But before all this attention and success, I struggled with myself—a lot. I went on a crusade to find my place in Equestria, but encountered many pitfalls. In the end, I couldn’t even climb out of the pitfalls myself, and almost died a lonely and unhappy death. But then I met an extraordinary pony, who taught me the most valuable lesson of my life. This is his story as much as mine.

This is a story worth telling.

Thanks to Simon Lewis Lanz (http://simonlanzart.de/) and Caroline Cottrell for editing.

Chapters (7)

When the Cutie Mark Crusaders go to Vinyl and Octavia, they discover something truly unusual: foal playing. Octavia quickly explains to them why and how, and then the CMC's decide to try it for themselves. They pretend to be a family, in order to earn their cutie marks. And one very unfortunate filly is playing the foal...

Cuteness galore in this strange and awkward story!

Thanks to Caroline Cottrell for pre-reading.

Chapters (6)

Fluttershy accidentally gets teleported into J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy world: Middle-Earth. In a flash of magic, she appears in the Greenwood, where she meets a very curious wizard, as skilled in helping animals and tending to the forest as she. While Fluttershy’s friends do everything they can to get her back to Equestria, even venturing as far as the Dragon Lands, a dark shadow reveals itself in the Greenwood, ready to twist and corrupt everything in its path.

Pre-read by Simon Lewis Lanz and Caroline Cottrell.

Chapters (21)

Twilight Sparkle uses a spell together with her newly invented teleportation machine to bring Frodo Baggins from The Fellowship of the Ring to Equestria. The princess of friendship just needs to perform one more experiment, and Rainbow Dash is the one who ‘volunteers.’ But when the hobbit and the pegasus chat and talk, something very unexpected happens…

Huge thanks to Simon Lewis Lanz and Caroline Cottrell for prereading!

Chapters (1)