I'm sorry again · 9:18pm Mar 24th, 2017
Wow three moths without me, I'm sorry I haven't been only lately I'm still a college student and I have school, I feel bad but hey... spring break for others?
I'm a new and young Pegasister.
Wow three moths without me, I'm sorry I haven't been only lately I'm still a college student and I have school, I feel bad but hey... spring break for others?
2370417 Absolutely.
2370250 Aww, thanks.
I don't know what of my jokes you've seen but than you.
I'll check it out! Keep up the good work!
2370241 Ah. Thank you. I do like to draw. Check out my deviantart account if you like. It's the same as my name here.
Oh cool! But really... you seem like a super cool person and I'm happy to be following you, your sense of humor brings a smile to my face!