• Member Since 11th Jul, 2016
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Sonic rainbow

Love my little pony and love to write

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Total Words: 15,038
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


Summer Bliss was 10 years old when her best friend and only sister came into the world, a filly named Rainbow Dash. When her mother Sunset Shadow dies when Rainbow is still young, and her father that left the family before Rainbow Dash was born, Summer takes it upon herself to be the one to raise Rainbow Dash in to the best she can be.

It certainly is not easy, but one day a huge sacrifice changes their lives forever.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash was an adorable, spunky, sassy, sweet, and difficult little filly. Rainbow Dash was raised by her parents her mom, Sunset Bright, and her dad, Rainbow Blitz. Rainbow Dash also has two older brothers that are five and four years older than her, And an older sister that is two years older than her that wants to be a wonderbolt. Rainbow Dash's life was not easy, but she had a loving family. Rainbow also went through hard challenge that nopony knows about not even Fluttershy. Even though her parents got pregnant at a young age and they split, came back together, and then years later, her father died, Rainbow was raised as an awesome, and capable mare that is loyal to ponies she trusts.

Rated teen for some language.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is a high school student at CHS. Rainbow gets used to all of the crazy things that happen there. Rainbow Dash is a very active girl and attends Wonderbolt Academy after school every day and she pretty much "lives" there. One day something interesting happens and she doesn't know what to do and it is in the one field that she is not an expert in...

Love, Rainbow has these feelings for this one boy and she doesn't know how to handle them. She turns to her friends for help but all she can get from rarity is. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."

Rainbow experiences something else... Lost, she loses one of the one people that she can trust.

And finally the last thing, but you have to read to find out.

Read to find out!

Rated Teen for some language.

Chapters (4)

One day in a bad storm in Cloudsdale made by some kind of a magic. Rainbow is left with her dad and siblings which isn't so bad but then he started to date and later got married and moved away. Rainbow dash's siblings then left and did their own thing and Rainbow Dash was left alone. That's when she dropped out of school and went to Ponyville where she is now. Something happens and someone comes back and rainbow dash finds out the most interesting things. Rainbow Dash also gets to try out for her dream team. Read to get the deets!!!!!!!!!

Chapters (3)