Son of a good man, child of an angel, & brother of a Wild One! ‘Nuff said. If you need an editor, I’d be happy to help you out.
A leaner of SFM who writes ocassionally
Not really a brony, just interested in reading everything I can get my hands on.
I'm a guy who's watched the show, yet I'm neither a Brony norr an Anti-Brony. I merely watch, that I might better understand, and provide a bridge betwixt the two. I am the Knight of Space: I see all.
Formerly Sterling Blade, returning to the land of horse words.
" for the Why: beyond the obvious financial motivation, it's exceedingly simple... because I can."
Just a fan of stories. Mostly just being me or at least trying to be.
ᕕ ( ᐛ ) ᕗ many Ideas no clue on how to bring them to fruition.
New password requirement: "Your password must contain at least 8 characters, a capital, a plot, a protagonist with good character development, a twist & a happy ending. "
a man of few words i love reading crossovers and playing video games
Just an English dude trying to make his way through life while thoroughly obsessed with reading about ponies living fulfilling love filled lives to inspire him.
Hi im Techy and my cutie marks represents my dream to become an Engineer. I love to read about cute ponies and their serious adventures, and I wish to someday write a great fimfic on this website
Everyone Needs A Creeper, A Personal Space And Privacy Grim Reaper. Also Hail Minty p.s. I'll steal yo gurl, yo husbund, yo house, yo cids, yo dawg, and yo side bae
Just a pony with too much time on his hooves and his head in the clouds...