Starswirl must be the best magician of all Equestria, but not even the worst villain is capable to do what his 3 daughters did: They made him cry and freakout everyday. That's his life as father of Adagio, Aria and Sonata.
Spike, a dragon with a broken heart, leaves Ponyville to follow his dreams. And meeting somepony he wasn't familiar with was the start of a great friendship or even more.
After quite a lot of pestering, Princess Luna allowed the Cutie Mark Crusaders to see the dreams of their friends one night. But after a mistake, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Will try everything for help Spike to find his own purpose.
After sensing his mother had become distant from him for some reason, Spike decides to travel to another world to find out answers and hopefully help his sister make amends with their mother.