• Member Since 8th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen Jan 14th, 2019

Amira Illusion

Things that came into my head...

Hoi and Welcome to my realm!

Hoi everyone! I'm Amira! I love MLP,Undertale,Doctor Who and games like the Portal Series. I love making friends! Here are 2 things I say a lot:
You don't say?
Well done Einstein!

Yeah, I'm a sarcastic person...

These are my Fav references:
The cake is a lie!
I wear fezzes now, Fezzes are cool!

Undertale Pics!!!!


Alphys' Notes... · 6:49pm May 25th, 2016

If you're not aware for some reason, I'm currently writing a story called Kindness,Determination and Hope. If you want some spoilers and explanation of these worlds 6 ponies/souls, look no further as you've managed to stumble across Alphys' Notes...

Spoiler warning! Now all aboard the spoiler train! Choo Choo!

Name Soul Cause of Death Delivered to Asgore by..
Sweet Integrity Spear Undyne

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