another year another what happen to me moment · 3:19pm Aug 2nd, 2017
My birthday was last month and I have no clue what to do with the rest of my life
A changeling who loves Luna and writing (every once in a while)
My birthday was last month and I have no clue what to do with the rest of my life
I don't know what to do any more
I want to give my OC Grave Digger a female companion but I can't decide between these
I blew up a tank with a pair of bottle rockets and set several things on fire.
I also drank a small jug of apple cider by myself.
Favorite character from these movies?
I try to get on as much as possible
I've been offline lately because I've been restricted for having to many images
Mines John Carpenter's Halloween and the classic monster movies by Universal
I plan on doing NOTHING on Halloween except maybe watching classic monster movies. What are you planning on doing?
I can't remember my Spotify account name or password so I had to make a new one