I love to read stories and now I am writing some as well
I am a fanfic critic i will give your work a number from 1 to 200. But i will only mark your work if you have more then 10 fanfic storys
Seven Seals, Seven Rings, Seven Thrones for the fallen god
No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Babylon Five
nothing much to say..........i am shy......i hope you will be kind to me
I am a Mark of Babylon. Many ponies view me as the villain. The reasons why I understand. My coat, my face, my eyes, my name, and my intention to murder. However I hope to help anyway I can.
I am a single face in a sea of billions. My voice, drowned out by the masses, never to be heard.
"If you're going through hell, Keep Going" - Winston Churchill
Hi, Call me Storm, mainly since I've found some people have trouble pronouncing my full user name. I'm more of a fan of the fictions than the show, but i read a LOT of them. Hope to see you all around
A random internet poet/writer who has a soft spot for old fashioned vocabulary...
I have liked ponies for a while, and I have been writing stories for a bit longer, and thought I would share some of them here.
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah I'm a giraffe.