Next chapter for KoT, WoE is about 75% done, rewrite for the Moon And Its wolf is about 95% done, and finally the next chapter of the Guardian of Peace is about 85% done.
Revenge is swift, so is my blade
It's a game I've wanted to get for a while now...but I hadn't the spare funds for it. Now I have it and I must say it is awesome. I am talking, of course, about a game called Subnautica, and I love it. The graphics are amazing, the A.I. is awesome, The Sea Emperor is adorable, and I have just hatched the Baby Emperors...and they didn't eat me! Not even a little bit. The only thing I hate about the game is the fackin Leviathans outside the crashed ship, I forgot the name of the ship, but it
Okay let me paint you a picture. I store most, if not all, of my story ideas, incomplete chapters, and basic character info on a thumb drive. That thumb drive is also used as a backup should my hardware french fry on me.
Now, I have bad news and good news about that thumb drive. Bad news: it went missing. Good news: it is somewhere in my mess of a house. So, minor setback...and I think I have a backup of the backup in one of my bookshelves, so no worries.
Well Guess what? The little gnome inside my head has been pestering me with a story idea for the past, I'd say, week and 1/ sometime in the north so nearby future, most likely on completion of one of my stories, my latest psychotic creation 'My, don't I look Grim?' will be coming to a Fimfiction near you!
a Moon and It's Wolf ~ Hiatus, pending editing
Knight of Tamriel, warrior of Equis ~ n ext chapter 47% done
Well first things first. I am redoing The Moon and It's Wolf...and asking you all for Ideas on how to improve it.
And the second thing is the oddest thing that is ever happened to me. A random wrong number text sent me some link...and me being the idiot I am I clicked it.This is the what I saw after clicking it, and if you click on it and see what I saw I ask you not to spoil it for the rest. Just type in the comments section 'Wyrmwood' when you see it.
For some reason Stuart Little popped into my head and I want to make a Stuart Little in Equestria fic...but I lack the skill to do so, so to the more experienced people who follow me I ask you to please make this a thing. If you can't just spread it around to other people, and hopefully time will take it's course correctly and it will become a thing!