This Cruel and Random WorldIt was a simple bet. Spend one month as a pony, and prove to Celestia that he had been right all along. Discord never thought he would actually enjoy it. As the days pass, he finds himself desperate to keep up the façade a little Bluegrass Brooke
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Magical Mystery OopsTwilight manages to turn herself into a draconequus - now the only one who can help her learn to control her new chaos magic and change back is Discord. What could possibly go wrong?by BookeCypher
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Slow Fade"What you get out of life is all about your attitude." Thrown into the bitter reality of corporate Manehattan, Pinkie learns the hard way that attitude can only go so far. Can Pinkie overcome such cruelty, or will it consume her?by Bluegrass Brooke
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Shadow's EnigmaWith his dark past heavy on his mind, Sombra is put to the test as he begins a reformation process. Though his mind is no longer crowded with the influence of dark magic, his heart is none the lighter. Let the test Note Sketch
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RewriteDiscord's made many decisions in life he's not proud of, casting that spell on Twilight being one of them. Left without his magic, he must rely on Twilight. In her, he finds a confidant and the courage to bury his past failings at Bluegrass Brooke
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