Mistakes Were Made! · 7:48pm Jan 6th, 2017
For those of you who've read my new story, I deeply apologize for putting the same song link twice! It's fixed, now
Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile.
For those of you who've read my new story, I deeply apologize for putting the same song link twice! It's fixed, now
Yesterday, I mastered(lol)the iconic intro to this song and after that...it hurt like HELL!!! I don't care! I've finally got this song under my belt, and I'm not including the main solo since I'm more of a rhythm guitar player. Dat downpicking though
Rest In Peace: My Picking Hand(???-2017)
At some point, my story, Guitar Hero: Equestria Girls, was under the 'Featured' section and I didn't even realize it!!! I feel so happy now
Well, as this sh*tty year comes to a close, I just want to say that we finally made it!!! I wish everyone a Happy New Year and the best of luck to them
! It's definitely tragic that we lost a lot of celebrities these past few days, as well as the innocent people who've been killed in shootings and murders in these past few months
... R.I.P. to them and anyone that you've lost along the way. 2017 will definitely be a better year than 2016, despite Donald Trump taking
Merry Christmas everypony!!! Thank you all so much for a wonderful year!!! I'm really looking forward to 2017. Now, I've been a brony for two years now and it's just amazing... These people really are the nicest and I'm proud to be a brony! I've just finished writing a new story and it should come out today, so if you can, I really recommend reading it. Enjoy Christmas with your family and friends/)
The acoustic intro for this AJFA instrumental is so epic! What's even more epic is that I just learned how to play it. A definitely great tribute to the late Clifford Lee Burton(R.I.P in Bass Heaven).
So, I looked at the schedule for tomorrow on Discovery Family and of course, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will be on(yay)! HOWEVER, there's a weird jump from some S5 episodes(some good ones)to a S6 episode that I ABSOLUTELY. HATE!!! That is...
Hey guys! If you go to my YouTube channel, ZathotheGrizzxx, you'll find a new guitar cover that I just put out! Go here for the actual video and I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for either the distortion, timing, or quality!
It's a lot of fun learning the guitar solos from each Equestria Girls movie! Today, I've added "Dance Magic" & "Acadeca" to the list, so that pretty much wraps up all of Friendship Games. I've also added the Rainbow Rocks theme solo and it was a bit tricky, but I got it down
Seriously, I can't watch an episode anymore, and I don't know why.