Found the picture on here:
Hello, you probably came here by mistake. You didn't? Oh how wonderful, I am somehow noticeable. I would say I'm not the best writer on this site (and I realised that a millennium ago) but you know what... at least I'm trying. Dedication, devotion and a whole lot of imagination goes into fics and like the all mighty Taylor Swift said, haters (are) gonna hate. But now that season six is coming out, which is well lets say the final chapter of the MLP show, fics are going to be coming in less because some have inspiration from the show, and day by day more and more bronies no longer log in on the site. Therefore it is my duty to try to post as many fics as I can before the community is no longer. So lets get to the juicy stuff shall we...
Name: CrystalFlowerProductions
Real Name?: Erm... Not telling
Favourite Mane six Character: Defo Rainbow Dash fan
Favourite Ship: It used to be SoarinDash but now I'm kinda liking ThunderDash
The Most Sexiest Stallion on the Show: Bradburn (that sexy mane though)
Favourite Princess: (My mother always said I was a princess but I realised I had no wings or horn) *cough *cough Luna all the way
Favourite Villain: King Sombra
That's it I guess... Hoped you liked seeing a bit of information about me...
Appreciate the fav on “Teammates”! Glad you’re enjoying it so far!
Thanks for adding Force and Consequences to your bookshelf
Thanks for the fav!
2183273 Thank you bestie
and I still like SoarinDash it's just that the amount of fics on the site have kind of made me let's say 'bored' of the ship thus choosing my next favorite, ThunderDash and thanks for the follow ????
Thanks for the add/favorite!