• Member Since 26th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 12th, 2016



Blinded me with... Science? · 4:41am Aug 31st, 2012

So tonight I had a very philosophically relevant experience. After an entire day of absolutely nothing going right, what with internet refusing to work, computers acting like someone had tinkered with them, alarm clocks mysteriously un-setting themselves (or at least ignoring the fact that they'd been set) and roommates having vomited all over their bathroom floor so they all needed to use mine, I decided to make something for "dinner" that was absolutely nothing but shameless self-indulgence

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Report Samsara · 544 views ·

Moving. · 7:42am Aug 1st, 2012

Starting tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning and through at least the next 3 or 4 days I'll be periodically moving into my new home. As such, I won't be writing at all, so my usually slow progress will be further hindered by absolutely no progress for a limited time. x3 I sincerely apologize, but at least I've got a chapter out right before, that ought to tide you over while I continue to work on Grimoire. Thank you all again for sticking with me! I know I've got a frustrating pattern of

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Errors! · 7:51pm Jul 18th, 2012

Anyone else (preferably those of you across the pond) get those 502 and 504 errors every so often on this site? Or is it just the dirty 'Mericans like me? I'm wondering if we should pester Knighty to upgrade his server a little or if it's just the crossing of international lines that brings out this problem. xP

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I just have to ask. · 7:41am Jun 16th, 2012

Am I the only one who thinks it's oddly old fashioned when people say "motion pictures" instead of movies? Just that the term came from those old nickelodeon machines that were literally pictures in motion, so to me it's like if everyone ran around calling cars "automobiles". I dunno, it's been nagging at me for a while. I know it's got nothing to do with anything, nor is it nearly important enough to warrant a blog post where I could be giving you guys news on the future of "Study Buddies"

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I Drew a Pretty Picture! · 1:50am Apr 20th, 2012

I haven't done a blog post in ages, so I figured I'd do one about something completely random: Here's a picture I drew; it's a little weird.

I don't consider myself an artist, but I'm practicing lately and figured I'd use this friggen' scanner that I came into possession of for something.

Report Samsara · 394 views ·

Save Derpy! · 9:30pm Feb 27th, 2012

Hey everyone, I know I'm a little bit behind the curve with this one, but if you haven't already I really implore you to sign the "Save Derpy" petition at www.savederpy.com. Derpy hasn't ever been my favorite character, and she certainly isn't now, but regardless of that I still feel it's entirely unfair that they're trying to go back and remove the little shout-out that all of us bronies got. She isn't just a character anymore, she's a symbol of our influence as a community and our

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Happy Valentine's Day! · 9:14pm Feb 14th, 2012

Hey everyone, I would just like to take the time to wish everyone a happy and safe V-day. Spend as much time as you can with that "Special Somepony", and if you don't have one: don't despair! I don't either, and it's not all bad... I do have a chance to get some writing done! Also school work... Either way, it's a day of love and compassion, which is what Bronies do best, so whether you do or don't have someone to spend V-day with, make sure you spread the love in your own little way.

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My Time Management Skills are Terrible! · 5:42pm Feb 2nd, 2012

They really are... Those of you who are waiting on Study Buddies to update, I sincerely apologize, I've gotten some work done on it, but it really shouldn't have taken me as long as it has to get about half a chapter done like I have... Yesterday I came to the realization that I'm currently writing four stories at once, not to mention my schoolwork on top of that... So I really am sorry for the massive wait and the fact that it seems like I've been completely slacking this

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New Semester · 5:14pm Jan 19th, 2012

As many of you may have noticed, my updates to Study Buddies and other stories have started to slow down, well I can attribute that unfortunately to a diminishing supply of free time. Based on the classes I have, I'll be doing way too much reading, even more school-oriented writing, and I also need a job... So basically I can see myself slipping into that old college saying/realization: "If you're awake, you're working." That being the case, I'll try my best to update as frequently as

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Happy New Year! · 7:27am Jan 1st, 2012

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all have a safe, fun, wonderful time tonight. And what's more: I hope your new year's resolutions aren't too lofty and that the motivation to do them lasts for a little bit longer than January 3rd. So yeah, rein in 2012 with joy and mirth, because 2012 will never happen again after it's over!

Report Samsara · 353 views ·