I know I should've posted this on the first but · 2:49pm Jun 6th, 2017
H a p p y p r i d e m o n t h p e o p l e
I must say I am PROUD TO BE BI!!!
I’m never active, so if you follow me you’re probably wasting your valuable time.
H a p p y p r i d e m o n t h p e o p l e
I must say I am PROUD TO BE BI!!!
I AM DEAD. I MADE A FRICKIN GOOD PICTURE. It's for DeviantArt's Pride Month, but I don't know how to submit it to the flag. It won't let me D:
But here it is; (the link, this won't let me show the picture for some stupid reason)
I hope you like it :3
Also, it's my one-year anniversary for being a member of DeviantArt! Yay!
How are you all today???
I painted this on my compooter this morning It went WAY better than expected.
first off yeah i spelled "fuckin" wrong. I am aware.
Ok so Patrickstar89 is this annoying piece of shit who keeps going onto some posts on IFunny and saying WORD FOR WORD...
"bitch what is it with your dumb ass youre a gay ass, lame weeb! literally kys you are nothing and no one loves you"
I hate this guy i want to go to his house and blow its roof off
How did you sleep?
I'm officially out of school for the summer! And I'm at my first sleepover with my friends, Kora and Lauren!!! Kennedy was supposed to be here too, but I guess she forgot. She is known for being forgetful.
The cover is awesome!!! I love this... I can't stop listening to it.
I said "Deal with it beeyaaaaatch"
I'm bored so why not