I may be in a world that if far from home on my own with concepts that I have not entirely grasped yet for 200 years, But there is a new threat in this world, the elements won't stop it, the powers of the sun and moon won't stop it, heck, not even Discord can stop it.
But I know I can beat him, But I have to get the Chaos Emeralds first before I know I'm ready.
I may not be beloved by all of Equestria, but I can't deny I have a duty to defend those who can not defend themselves. Even If I have to give it my all.
So for the love of Equestria, I won't give up, no matter what you throw at me! Even if I have run from the rulers of this world themselves, I will never be brought down.
So let's get this show on the road!
Emerl Displaced.
Not gonna be ready for crossovers for a few chapters.
Also takes place between Season 4 and 5.