• Member Since 11th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen May 22nd, 2024


I like to build and draw my own designs. I make armor, weapons, and toys out of metal and leather. I like reading and writting books.

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Hello every pony, I know I’ve been gone a while. However I have good news. I have my own YouTube channel. If you want to see it. Click the link below. I do diy arts and crafts, vr let’s plays, and I’m working on doing story reading for my books. Hope you’re well and hope to hear from you soon.


I was wondering if i should rewrite Teotle's story in a new story that wasn't a fanfiction of Past Sins. My friend, who also writes books, told me that I shouldn't have put Nyx in the story, and I kind of agree with him. I'll still leave the original story on the site if you want, but I think Teotle having his own story would help avoid controversies with Penstroke's story of Nyx, from his original book.
what do you think?

Hello, everypony. Sorry for my lack of activity lately, but I've been stuck in my studies at school, as of late. I would, however, like to say that I've started playing on an online game server called "Pony Town". Its a game where you can make a custome avatar, and mingle with other ponies, among other creatures, on the internet. If anypony wants to join me in a chat session, either by using party chat on the game, or on discord, that can be arranged, for sure. If you have trouble finding me, all you have to do is look at my profile pic on fimfiction. Hope you are all well, and I'll talk to you all later.

Hello, everypony, I'm sorry for the late return, but I'm working with MareOfKindness to make a cross story production between Teotle and Jaden Mist. This is a story that happens during "Paw and Ring", my latest work in progress. To those who think he's plagiarizing, please don't. I'm cool with this, so nobody give him issues, please. We'll be working on it together and you can find it on hs page in the near future.

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