Just your average gaming geek/college student. I study computer science, play pathfinder, and write stories, and have a patreon!
Wait, am I now just the one who wrote Mortem? 'Cause I think I'm okay with that.
Just an average insane brony, doing average insane things. Professional Fanfiction Writer and Purveyor, relevant links are on my profile page.
Not a brony. No really, I'm not. I'm just here to see what awesome stuff this crazy fandom puts out.
But I think the very worst name for this frog is-
My stories are converted from greentext, so take that into account. Also all my characters name's are Anon. It's an /mlp/ thing.
Hey all, I'm billymorph, a semi-professional writer, self-published author and full-time pony fan. If you enjoy my work, please support me on Patreon!