People who spend the majority of their time online often have a distorted view of what the real world is like.
Roses are red, violets are blue. The only canon seasons, are one and two.
Professional Lurker, specailises in proof reding
Never satisfied with his own work, but hopes to bring satisfaction to others.
Hey, name's Mike, I'm a bit of an idiot. More of an artist than a writer, but I hope you enjoy the stories I worked hard to create.
I tend to focus on love and relationships, and what ponies would think of experiencing such a thing with a human. Throw money at me here
I come from the land of the green and unknown, from tenth page drop, where the horse words flow.
Just an artist here, but sometimes I write about pony plots.
Give me one reason Celestia isn't best pony. Pro tip: You can't
I am not actually a brony, but I find the stories and music rather marvelous.
I write all kinds of furry stories, and I love to hear feedback on my work!
It's not "definantly" or "defiantly" or "definately". It's "DEFINITELY". How can so many people get it wrong...
Just a dude who writes mainly clop with some action and some GrimDark on the side. Also, If you don’t like futa, you may have a bad time here :P ;)
A friendly hybrid from the naga folk. Dabbler digital artist and writter. A long, sturdy creature fond of food and industry. Beware of his hugs!
All hail best human Sunset Shimmer! Now welcome all to The Destiny of the Ancients
I am a brony. I like warhammer. I play vidya games. I read frequently. Guess what? I also hate talking about myself.
"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.
Just a simple fan of MLP trying to enjoy the works of others and making some of my own.
I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.
That girl that writes things you may or may not read. TG stuff, probably. Avatar is of Eventide from my story In Another World with Equestria Girls.
The Man. The Legend. The World's Strongest Writer™
Third-party archival project, do not contact Fimfiction staff for support.
Q(^_^Q). The friendliest misanthrope you'll ever meet.
I write horse words. Sometimes people pay me to.
Remember kids, eat your veggies, go to school, and murder all your enemies.... I murder all my enemies....
I am Swedish, born and raised in the fine city of Göteborg, or Gothenburg in English, I'm male, single, heterosexual, I like to read, write, paint, Tabletop RPGs, playing video games and cooking.
People call me The Drink | A beverage of sorts | Ko-fi:
You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!
Dashing do-gooder dog? Accomplished, affable aeronaut? Big-time brony? Lazy lackluster lackwit? You decide!
YO! I write stuff. Primarily comedy for now but I will experiment with other genre's. some will go better that others.
Thank you for reading my stories! Discord: