Went somewhere online, now I'm hella mad · 2:07pm Oct 16th, 2017
Dead af fam.
COUGH. Lol. I sound like shit.
I am Daddy | Yuri and Pantsu is Laifu | SHION takeover | #Fabu
Dead af fam.
COUGH. Lol. I sound like shit.
I'm making too many mistakes today :D
Hi hi my dudes, there has been a user spotted on DeviantArt who has been recoloring and selling art that does not belong to them, I'm trying to take this user down by reporting them for their crimes. This user has not taken an art piece from me but from a dear friend of mine. (Also the one who made the pone art hugging my OC.) So if you guys can pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssseeee report this person. All spread the word please maybe? Idk. You don't need to spread it, but it'd be great support! And yes
Y'all the other OC in my profile pic isn't my boyfriend lol XD And that's a girl's oc, so actually that's isn't my girlfriend. (But the OC is a guy sooo)
The girl who drew this is my friend from school lol
It's been great year so far, never been so g r e a t.
Anyways, why is everyone telling me to notice Sun? Could you guys not.
Everyone is playing elsword
Me: Still downloading
I got asked out by a girl.
I haven't even seen this girl ever in the school, I guess it was a dare. It was pretty cute tho, she was so flustered. When I shot her down, she said she'd be okay being friends.
I was like okay, and was like you cute tho. If I wasn't dating probs say yeah, but I want Pyra more just saying.
So here's to good friendship???
Also today I was called an asexual person with a lesbian kink. Lolololololol
She wanted me to get more sleep for school.
Tbh I rather not wake up.
I keep feeling sick I guess. I threw up yesterday night, and kept gagging for the rest of the night.
I think I'm really anxious or I'm really sick.
Help me.