1949667 At the top of the screen you'll find a tab marked "Library." There you'll see a sub-menu that shows you your "Favorites," stories you've placed on your "Read It Later" list, and your "Tracking" list. These are all options available to you on the top of the story page for each work. You'll notice that you also have the option to create a "New Bookshelf." You can name this bookshelf anything you wish. You can add to this by using the options that are above the story name on each story's own page. I hope this helped!
Thank you for faving Of Flame and Shadow.
At the top of the screen you'll find a tab marked "Library." There you'll see a sub-menu that shows you your "Favorites," stories you've placed on your "Read It Later" list, and your "Tracking" list. These are all options available to you on the top of the story page for each work. You'll notice that you also have the option to create a "New Bookshelf." You can name this bookshelf anything you wish. You can add to this by using the options that are above the story name on each story's own page. I hope this helped!
I already have. Also, how do you make a book shelf and add stories to it?
You are most welcome! I hope that you'll jump right in and enjoy the stories and the community here on the site.
Thank you!