jibber jabber episode 33 · 1:07am Nov 5th, 2018
enjoy.....I guess ,everyone in this recording enjoyed todays episode more thin I did.
enjoy.....I guess ,everyone in this recording enjoyed todays episode more thin I did.
here is the next episode of jibber jabber sorry I was late on posting it, slipped my mind
also for you fallout equestria fans there is a server on discord dedicated for those who enjoy that part of the fandom
here is the next episode of jibber jabber.
also a little side note the host is doing something new for the intro.
here's the next episode of jibber jabber
little quiet then time since there was only three people, but it was fun non the less
Hey Paladin here, to those that fallow me (which I don't accurately know why)
I have been partaking in something called Jibber jabber Hosted by a person named
Skijaramaz-Tone shift, He is a writer him self and does MLP readings on YouTube
such as Change and Bug in the herd. Anyway with his express permission I well be post links to his Jibber Jabber Episodes when they are done.
With out further delay here is the link to this Sunday's episode.