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Dream hoping sciences? · 9:06am Mar 22nd, 2022

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“Hmm.” Star Swirl set aside his pen and looked at the spell as Astral had written it. He nickered, flicked his tail, and said, “Is this the best you can do? It’s rather… fuzzy.”

Well, duh... oneiroturgy?

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I discovered you by using the Magic of Friendship! It's a real thing.:raritywink:

In any case, I think that you'll discover that Bronies are a widely differentiated bunch. There aren't any hard and set rules, and unlike the Furry community there really isn't any defined way that you are "supposed" to act. You'll never hear anyone yell at someone else for not using "any pony" instead of "anyone" for example. The community is largely centered on late high school and college aged kids, with some young adults making up the next largest share, followed by old farts like me. Brownies cross all the socioeconomic strata and exhibit a wide variety of beliefs and personal norms. So, yeah... basically just try to be nice and I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. Stroll around the site a little and I'm sure you'll get a larger picture of what you've signed onto.:twilightsheepish:

Best of luck on the site and in the community!

Thanks, although I'm not quite sure how you even noticed me. Is there some kind of new guy bulletin?

Mostly I think I can figure out the sites mechanics, but general rules might be sketchy. Other then the general "be nice" rule set, is there anything I should be aware of? I'm also fairly new to the brony circle, not quite sure if this is something I'd really be interested in. Curiosity only recently won out over the typical "not interested" mindset and while I must admit that this community seems to have some good artist, and FiM actually being a much better show than I had anticipated, I know little about the actual people this stuff draws in. I've been hanging around the Furries for a while and have seen quite the diversity they have, but I was hoping you might have some recommended reading or something, perhaps a chat room to sit and watch for a few minutes. I doubt listening to brony slammers is going to create even a vague image of the reality of the matter. If not, I appreciate the happy greeting regardless, thank you.

Hello there! Welcome to FIMFiction.:pinkiesmile:

If you need any help figuring out how the site works, don't be afraid to ask. I'm always happy to help, and we're all glad that you are here!:twilightsmile:

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