• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen January 30th

Void Whisperer

I dreamt of a mare, blood black as sin, with a glare, much darker than that which churned within. And yet I swear, she wears a smile so thin, it shines in the dark a crescent flare, her wicked grin.

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Things to come · 11:16pm Apr 10th, 2019

I would like to start by saying that I'm humbled over all the kind words I've received over what little writing I've done. It matters more than you all might think.

A lot of things have happened in the year I last posted something here and it is mostly positive. The workload on PonyASMR is finally decreasing now that we've got it back on track however and I will slowly but surely return to writing here again.

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Comments ( 9 )
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You're already a big help supporting us and being part of the community. We're glad to have you with us and you're doing us a big favour by supporting us and sharing our videos already. :)

I hope you like what I write once I get some time to devote myself to it again. :)

I'm so glad we helped you out. It's not good to hear that you're feeling like that though. Do you have anyone to talk to? If not I know a very nice server that's for our patrons and you might find comfort there. You'll get access right away if you join us here: https://www.patreon.com/PonyASMR

We will continue doing these videos for you for a good while yet. Don't worry about it.

Thank you very much for your work on the PonyASMR channel. Those videos bring me great joy, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for contributing to them. They have provided me a source of comfort in times that have been rather dark, and I will continue to take joy in them for many months to come. Thank you so very much, once again. I wish I could support more than just mere words, but I suppose words will have to do at the moment.

Thank you, and peace be with you. I wish you only the best.

Hey there Void... i been kind of shy about saying something but i decide to say this now.... i love your pony asmr channel and work.... your videos help me to feel better about everything, to feel relaxed and picture myself...in equestria.... i will be honest my real life is not the best at the moment... but one thing that is keeping me happy is your videos, you do not know how much your channel makes me feel... from the bottom of my heart... thank you, thank you so much, and i hope you and your team will make so much more <3

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