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- Starlight showed Twilight how she lost her best friend, Sunburst. But what if that's not all that she lost?LooniestRumble · 2k words · 31 2 · 2.4k views
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Thank you for the fave.
Thanks for adding "Dawn" to your favourites. I hope you'll continue to enjoy it.
2269702 It was an unexpected read, to say the least. But It endend up being better than expected.
thanx for the fave on hot summer in the everfree, tell me...any thoughts on it?
2047945 It was being a good story you know, well written, funny, a like and that's all. But the thing tha sold me the story and got you the favorite was...(dramatic pause)....
" “Not everyone thinks the same things are fun,” Twilight said. She looked down at Sunset, whose sobs had begun to fade into hiccups. “Not everyone enjoys the same things, or even thinks in the same way. That’s just how humans work.” She smiled and brushed the hair from Sunset’s eyes. “Is that how ponies work?”
Sunset sniffled and tried to speak—but just settled for a nod."
Right there, It was an instant favorite. That simple interchange, I don't know why but it was special.
So, thanks to you for a good read and a interesting concept.
Keep it up.