Jesus dick what the fuck happened. · 3:20am Aug 24th, 2015
I take time off for work and I get 50-ish notes.
Feel the freedom like no tomorrow!
I take time off for work and I get 50-ish notes.
thank mr skeltal
I take time off for work and I get 50-ish notes.
the bad part is when he gets a new rator he can come back
1949650 Bitch I didn't made a video. You're not a fucking special snowflake, shut up.
Nothing much. Just him and his stupidity and/or poor attempts at trolling.
What'd he get banned for this time?
1949650 First, I'm female, second, i'm not insecure actually. You're probably doing this to get over the fact of your own insecurity. Hah, nerd? Worst response argument ever -.-
I'll be serious for a moment here. I don't like you, but I can respect you. I myself enjoy being evil in some way from time to time, especially when it comes to religion, but I tend to tread lightly when around a fandom I happen to be part of. What I respect about you is that you aren't afraid to speak your mind, not many people have this quality.
You are a worthy foe mister hound, a worthy foe indeed.
Nice job getting banned again.
1949650 Do we really fucking need more people like you here? If you're just going to be a dick then fuck the hell off, no one fucking likes you. K-ittenz is female by the way. And I'd appreciate it if you go fucked yourself up the ass with an entire guitar.
There is really no excuse to be this way, quit being such an asshat.
There was a time where I loved to "be the bad guy" on this site.
But I'm not gonna talk about those times.
Welp, if ya wanna be bad, then go shitpost bigoted shit or something. You only seem to be wanting attention from my standpoint.