• Member Since 8th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 12th, 2024


I'll be good! I'LL BE GOOD! *rocks back and forth*


Fluttershy and Discord have had a harmonious marriage for over forty years. Even though they have gone through several ups and downs, Fluttershy and Discord remained true to one another. Unfortunately, as with most ponies, Fluttershy's life begins to reach its end. How will Discord get through this painful event? Is their love truly over?

Sometimes, strong relationships can transcend lifetimes.

Chapters (2)

Discord was known to be the best phonetics professor in Canterlot. Upon meeting a Cockney mare named Fluttershy, he is repulsed by her horrible accent and mannerisms. A stallion by the name Fancy Pants placed a bet with him if he could turn the flower filly into a lady fit to attend the Grand Galloping Gala.

But Discord had his own secret, hidden away by his pony disguise. Will Fluttershy be the first to know his secret?

What will become of Fluttershy? Does Discord fail, or does he succeed in turning Fluttershy into a mare to be envied?

*Based on the musical My Fair Lady

*Contains ships Discord x Fluttershy and Fancy Pants x Rarity.

Chapters (2)

Discord and Fluttershy decide to spend the holidays with one another. But, feelings are shut down for too long, and unexpected turns come into play. Will they sustain their friendship, or will feelings come out and end in a wonderful love, or broken hearts?

A/N Sorry for the hiatus but it's not Christmas time at the moment. WILL be continued.


Chapters (6)

After Discord proposes to Fluttershy, they somehow have to tell her friends they are getting married. Problems arise as they see Discord kiss Fluttershy, and they have to resolve the problems between them.

FlutterCord :yay:

Chapters (1)

After the events taking place in 'Newbie Dash', Soarin and Rainbow fly together, and truth comes out, and more. SoarinDash oneshots ^^

Wanna Go For a Flight?: It was after the show, and Soarin asks Rainbow to go on a flight with him. But why had he asked?
Secrets: Soarin and Rainbow have to keep their secret from the Wonderbolts.

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy has been questioning herself for weeks. She can't figure out how she really feels about Discord. Suddenly being uncomfortable, urges, blushing, and less sleep at night, thinking about Discord has been confusing her for many nights.


Chapters (1)

Discord and Fluttershy celebrate their union once they are alone, but then Discord pops a question that could cause problems. He doesn't want to lose her, but Discord didn't know what to do.


Can't add anything, so completed. :)

Chapters (2)