Trump for illuminati · 10:46pm Jan 21st, 2016
I knew it, gosh dang it....
A true friend is the one who see's the pain in your eyes, while others believe your smile.
I knew it, gosh dang it....
Do you like her?
Her name is scarletta Web
Opinions in comments please ^-^
I wrote a new chapter on the background pony fic. Its terrible. I might. No. Will take it down after ahwile. It could be so much better. So read it now, my beautiful zellys. (Or don't.)
Some onision quotes. (Mainly directed to my women zels)
based on some of my art, how old do you think i am?
Fun fact~ do you k ow it you type on it takes you to a educational site? Fun deal.
Anyways if I'm of line for long periods of time (3 days. Sorry) blame the holidays. I've been eating more than my fair share of cuties oranges (ask me how many I ate.... okay I ate 15), drawing like crazy!
Treble_Klef he's really cool and he's new to the site. Go give him some support and love. He's really amazing.
Also, I recently watched its a wonderful life and it got me wondering.
If I didn't exist, where would you be now, what friends would you have on fimfic, did I change your life for the good or bad?
Keep being you my beautiful zellies!
~hazie, who's quite traumatized.
Ps: not much to say.
I know im spamming blogs but i just learned something.
at my old elementary, a place i drive past to get to school, my sisters go there.
I saw something in the field on my way to school. I dismissed it as a coat or something, seeing as it snowed. but that was weird because it was 6:30. no kids were up yet, much less playing in the snow.
well, turns out it was a human corpse. That freaks me out. a Human. Corpse.
A dead body for Celestia's sake!
Stalker people. srsly, you guys like me?
Oh well. anyways thanks everyone! ill do a speed draw or something.
and again, what should i call you guys?
Belly Buttons?
Ps i wont do any more depressing blogs. ill keep that crap to myself.
Remeber 16,
Also sorry for lack of chapter