• Member Since 25th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 24th, 2022

Radiant Shades

Comments ( 9 )
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:moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

Mustaches are a sign of respect in the Dusk fandom

1884697 Thanks! And also thanks for following me back. Your story sounds interesting too. My story is going to depend on Dusk Noir a lot. I'm hoping to make everything into a trilogy.

That's how I did it with mine as well, in Dusk's universe. I'm fixing to start Book 2 of it, but it will be even more independent of Dusk and the others.

Yeah I'll def try your story out when it comes out.

1884671 It's going to feature my own Original Character in Alpha's Dusk world. He already gave me permission to use Dusk. I just wish I knew if I could use SCI-FIWIZARDMAN'S Ray Strike. That would help. There's not much I feel like I can reveal yet. I'm still new to writing Fics. I'm glad you're interested though. It's a good start.

1884666 What's the story about?

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