• Member Since 16th May, 2015
  • offline last seen May 5th, 2020

Callos Sombra

Interested in friends and a good read.

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Found 1 stories in 161ms

Total Words: 1,388
Estimated Reading: 5 minutes


This fan fic is based on the end of the world Aka the Earth, after the worlds major volcano's go off,
first yellow stone then more across the planet. It is loosely tied to a fan fiction based on another writers story but from more or lest my point of view. The viewer is more or lest unsure about his reality and wonders if what he sees is real or not up till the end and describes what he seen in the past be it a dream or maybe he had traveled to equestria as a test to see what sort of people humans are. He becomes a bit more sure of himself when he sees her enter her world from theirs to take as many humans to save us as a species. Many think its the end of the world and don't trust her.

This is more or less a dream for him.

Chapters (1)