• Member Since 9th May, 2015
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Johnny Unitas

I do not question the possibility of a fanfic without Rainbow Dash, I am merely pondering on the necessity of such.

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Nightmare Moon has been banished to the moon. Roaming the accursed landscape she meets someone she never thought she would see there, giving her an offer that she would have never thought was possible to make.

But what are her motives, what does she want, could that they're wanting, really be one?

Written for dart157 for Jinglemas 2023

I wish them a very merry Christmas. I hope they find my story to their liking.

Well alright, acknowledgement time: Really it's just Mr Shakespearicles for both putting this contest up, and giving me a helping hand in editing the story, I grateful for both even if he has reason to doubt the latter.

Chapters (2)

This is a alternate ending for Rated Ponystar's story Fallen Knowledge of that story is absolutely required to properly enjoy this one.

In dark and lonely cell, Fluttershy's resolve has been tested six times. Six friends tried and all failed. But where friends could only fail, what can a stranger do? A stranger with no conscience, or regard to human and pony life alike.

Many people liked the original story, and I am very much included on that list, however, I always felt that the motivation of the ponies were... lacking. They were so cartoonish I had trouble believing that they could believe their own reasoning. Which is fine, in a lot of cases, one of my favourite disney animation movie is Cindarella, and boy is the villain in that simple, but pitching a villain like that in a story that delves very deep into the horrors of a real war, felt... I guess it just felt wrong.

So I wondered: how would a world look like where the ponies had a very tangible reason to feel their actions were justified? And would it be better or worse?

Allright gang, acknowledgement time: First of all I want to thank Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss. Ponystar without whom this story would have never occurred to me. They also inspired to write the epilogue, originally this was only meant to be a three chapter story. (Well originally-originally it was only supposed to be a one chapter story but that's neither here or there.)

Second I want to thank my wonderful editor Mr Babroniedad. May his upgrades always merge properly and may his family only ever be as crazy as he likes it.

Chapters (4)

Among the festivities of the Graduation After Party, Silvestream notices that Gallus is nowhere to be found. She has a gut feeling where he is, but she has no idea why. So, she visits the cave, knowing Gallus often goes there when he wants to be alone. The problem is, what problem could be so dire to make him abandon his friends on their last official day together?

And what is really in the cave, and what does it take to find the way out?

Allright gang, acknowledgement time: First of all, I want to thank both Mr. Minus and Mr. The Army Guy since their writing contests both inspired me to write this fic.
Then I have to extend my gratitude to my old friend Shiron, who created the wonderful cover art. (And by ‘create’ I mean he put the vector I found, over the background I chose. But since I can find pictures on the internet, but I can’t put them together, he did everything I needed of him flawlessly.)
Allright who else? Oh yes, my paid unpaid editor slave Ninjadeadbreadbeard. I love the dude. He not only whipped my random assortments of words into actual English sentences, he refused to accept any sort of monetary compensation for it. And just to make you really appreciate his work I didn’t ask him to edit this part of the description, so you have an idea about the enormity of the work he has done. I don’t think mere words would ever be enough to repay him in kind for his time and effort, but alas that is all I have right now.

I got featured quite possibly on 9th of february 2020. Except if you're from the western hemisphere then it was on the 8th.

Chapters (1)

On a day of broken hearts and unnumbered tears, a day when it became impossible to believe in the good of the world, Carrot Cake will learn to believe in Pinkie. Because angels do not fly. Sometimes, they bounce.

I'm gonna have to thank everyone here briefly. First of all my wonderful Editor the one and only camuflage deceased facial hair on the site: Ninjadeadbeard. Fun fact apart from his meticulus editing work he also provided the wonderful descriptions for the story.
Second I want to thank Xennox who not only made the wonderful cover art but made sure there is SFW version avilable so I didn't have to burn my eyes out when I cropped it. Cover art used without permission.

And last but definitely not least I want to thank Toriandthehorse who started the editing process. He didn't get to finish it but still, his contribution was invaluable. I want to dedicate this story to him.
Angels might not always have wings and sadly in real life they are rarely immortal, but they are there. And that's enough. Hang in there Tori.

Chapters (1)

This is a story about friendship, light and darkness, and how sometimes even the most unreasonable sins have reasons.

Sandbar's life has been great. His friends from the school of friendship are awesome, his crush on Ocellus blossomed into a wonderful relationship and in general he's never been better.
But then a much anticipated visit from an old friend turns his whole world upside down and inside out.

I would like to say a huge thank you to my now traditional proofreader: PinkDragonJr whose help made this story look actually like a story written in English instead of my usual rather clanky pile of words.

P.S. This was originally a rewritten version of Jay David's Old Friend, No Longer which since then been merged with other stories to create the "The Young Six" anthology. Though since the original concept my story has changed a lot and now it has basically nothing to do with his original story but a few excerpt from the beginning of the first chapter can still be found which are directly copied from his work.
I debated myself for a long time whether I should change that part and the OC's name but I decided that as a token of my respect I will not. After all without his story this wouldn't exist. Of course I have his permission.

Chapters (2)