• Member Since 5th May, 2015
  • offline last seen March 29th


A broke, anxious mess with a sweet tooth. Usually tired or hungry.


  • Registered: May 5th, 2015

Stories ( 5 )

Top Stories

  • TNow Hiring
    In the wake of tragedy, the Apple Family is looking for somepony to help them. A mare, new to town, might be just who the need, in ways they didn't realize.
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  • TFamily Tree
    Getting cryptic notes from dead relatives is never a good thing. This was no exception. What are you supposed to do when someone wants you to solve a mystery when there's something out in the woods? That turns out to be the least of my problems.
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  • TThe Dreamweaver
    Luna was gone for a thousand years, and now that she's back, there's a certain somepony who takes offense to somepony so rudely rooting around the Dream Realm. It's seems a friendly chat is in order.
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  • TOnce Upon a Harvest Moon
    Princess Cadence is called out to oversee a special case. What's more surprising than the incident itself is the supposed culprit. A young filly is in desperate need of some guidance. And a shoulder to cry on. A story about healing.
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