• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 25th, 2019


What's up everypony? The name's Jay from somewhere in Europe and I create stories surrounding an OC who originates from Earth

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This story is a sequel to Origins of Cyber

After the Mane 6 return from babysitting Twilight Sparkle's niece Flurry Hearts, they discover a great illness surrounding Starlight and her new friend Trixie, which could endanger all of Equestria.
With help from the Cyber Trio, they go on a quest to find the only cure, the Dark Essence.
But their path hold a secret that's longer than Equestria exist...

Chapters (2)

After cleaning the mess from a disco party, the three Cyberponies enter the Human world.
They want nothing but to use their human hands to make themselves comfortable in a different human world.
But with an old enemy from earth trying to break them, they need the help from the Human Mane 6, but do they want to help?
And who is that other guy that looks like Jay?

Written by Cyberponychronics,
Idea by Cyberponychronics,
Based upon the three Equestria Girls movies.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Zomquestria: Altenate world

A few years has passed since Jay returned to his Equestria. Things have been peaceful, until he receives a message from the alternate world.
Now he has to save that world, but on what costs?

It is recommended that you read the first one first

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Crystal Mountain Hike

With Rick now in Equestria, it's time to hunt down and defeat Jay C once again.
They have help from their Equestrian friends aswell, but can they defeat their biggest archenemy

NOTE: This is the Season 6 Finale. Any story published after this take place after this story.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Battle of the Changelings

Two month went by since Jay left Ponyville to find inner peace. But now he has a new mission: bring back Shining Armor. But the road has some challenges awaiting.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Siege of Canterlot

Gary and Cyan are getting along pretty well, but without Jay, they feel lost. Then an old enemy from Earth arrives. Now Gary and Cyan have to protect Ponyville, and even Equestria from an army of Revolutionary Changelings.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Cyberchild

The Grand Galloping Gala is about to happen and Gary is going. But as the Gala approaches, an old enemy returns, and it's up to Jay and Skulyo to stop him from taking over Canterlot.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rarity's Romantic takeover

It's finally time! Derpy is giving birth to a little filly. As she's the first Cyberpony to be born in Modern Equestria, she get's a lot of attention, both good and bad.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Everfree Spin Off

After so many new faces, and being sick of Canterlot stallions, Rarity decides to make one of the new faces her coltfriend, but the one she wants is already taken. Now she tries to get him to like her, even if it takes to lose her Element of Generosity.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rise of the Red

Applejack always wanted someone for Hearts and Hooves day. With the arrival of several new ponies, she may have a chance
Meanwhile, Jay tries to find out who that Orange Pony is that goes to Twilight every evening.

This is a mix of two of my stories, which both are follow ups to each other

Chapters (2)