• Member Since 26th Mar, 2015
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Highlord Langslock

If the darkness grows so deep that we cannot see the light, then we shall rise up and BECOME the light!


Princess Luna and the Festival of the Winter Moon · 10:07pm Dec 15th, 2015

Read Princess Luna and the Festival of the Winter Moon last night. Personally, I think this should have been done as an episode in the series. Princess Luna definately deserves her own holiday to celebrate her glory (Nightmare Night doesn't count for obvious reasons).

That's all I have to say, really. It was late and I was reading it in a Walmart, so I didn't have much of an opportunity for an in-depth analysis.

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Nobody likes finale · 6:17am Dec 1st, 2015

Soooo, I haven't really done much research into it, but according to my feed, not a lot of people liked how the season five finale turned out. I don't blame them. I thought it was weak, and I only saw the last fifteen minutes of it, while others have made it clear that there is so much more to hate about it. Me, I'm adaptable, so I can handle it, more or less (unless they make Starlight a regularly recurring character. That would be just awful.). I'll probably write a fic addressing

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Season 5 Finale · 1:42am Nov 30th, 2015

I managed to see the last ten minutes or so of the season 5 finale yesterday before leaving for work. Now the only question is, what's going to happen to Starlight Glimmer? This might sound petty, but I really hope she doesn't become a regular member of the cast; it's too soon for another change to the shows status quo. My idea is that after going back to her hometown and being reunited with her friends, she starts using her insight in how cutie marks can negitively affect friendships to

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Commentary: The Return of Snowdrop · 6:03am Nov 23rd, 2015

Just watched "The Return of Snowdrop" on youtube. I have absolutely no idea what's going on or what happened to Luna's friend, but damn it looks badass!

Report Highlord Langslock · 90 views ·

Pony Peeves #1 · 12:10am Nov 19th, 2015

One of the things that bug me about the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom is how many people seem to believe that just because we havn't seen any, Equestria has no military forces outside of its Royal Guard who protect the princesses. Just how stupid of an idea is that? By now, I think we can all agree that while Equestria and the world it is located in (lets just call it Equus for now) is in many ways a better world than our own, it is by no means a perfect paradise. It has

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Report Highlord Langslock · 250 views ·

Equestria Girls #4-will Flash finally play a role? · 1:42am Nov 6th, 2015

It is no secret that I fully support Flash Sentry and the subsequent FlashLight shipping. When others complained about Twilight Sparkle having a love interest "forced" on her, I thought the few scenes they had together were really cute. When I learned that part of the problem everyone had with him was a complete lack of character development, my inner Barney Stinson proclaimed "challenge accepted!" and created a character profile for him that I must say I’m very proud of. And when

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Another One Bites the Dust · 3:59pm Oct 28th, 2015

So today, not even an hour before I wrote this, I've learned that Hastings, a bookstore that has been a regular hang-out site for me for as long as I can remember, is closing its doors in a few months. Bookstores are one of the few places where I can truly feel happy, and Hastings is/was the only one of those within a semi-reliable distance from where I live. It's been a haven for me since I was a little kid, so as you can imagine, I'm feeling pretty fucked-up on the matter right now,

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Report Highlord Langslock · 253 views ·

What are Sombra's and Radiant Hope's True Destinies? · 3:11am Oct 28th, 2015

So I've read issue #45 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and I have to say, I'm impressed with how thick the plot has gotten thus far. Now that we know how Hope has lived for so long and the reasons for her action, I can see this going one of two ways: one is that everything she has said about the umbra is the truth, in which case things are about to get really complicated. The other is that she has been tricked, and Sombra finally defies his evil destiney for her sake,

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Report Highlord Langslock · 159 views ·

My Thestral Headcannon · 5:15pm Jul 2nd, 2015

The thestral are a race of ponies adapted to a nocturnal life. While their origins are unknown, ponies have been aware of their existence for millennia and have ostracized them for their supposedly monstrous appearance. However, when the newly crowned Princess Luna learned of them, she became intrigued and sought them out. Awestruck at the revelation of a princess of the night who liked them as they were, the thestrals accepted her invitation to live in Equestria under her sponsorship and

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Why "Fiendship is Magic" Sucks · 3:16am May 20th, 2015

I have recently read the My Little Pony: Fiendship is Magic series, and I can honestly say that the comics branch of the franchise has hit an all time low. If I didn't consider the comics to be non-canon, then Fiendship might have ruined MLP for me entirely. Here's why:

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