• Member Since 26th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Highlord Langslock

If the darkness grows so deep that we cannot see the light, then we shall rise up and BECOME the light!


Did Your Grandparents work for the CIA? · 3:29am Aug 4th, 2021

Last week, during the pseudo-family reunion, I accompanied one of my uncles to a local museum, we came across an old telegraph, and my uncle told me that my late grandmother used to operate one of them to send weather reports to airports to help them devise landing strategies for their planes. I brought this up with my mother, and she told me that grandma did this for the CIA! I genuinely didn't know about that until now. Isn't that something?

Report Highlord Langslock · 156 views ·

Family Reunion Mix-Up · 12:02am Jul 28th, 2021

Yesterday, I I spent over fifteen hours in a van with my mother (it would have been shorter, but I messed up while driving and got us off course) to attend the family reunion. I had big plans to be more involved this year than I had been previously. I was going to grill a whole bunch of honey-marinated pork chops, and drive a bunch of the younger family members along a trail my uncle showed me and my own nephews years ago. Sadly, I learned earlier today that I had already missed it! Turns out

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I Join the Walking Dead (As One of the Living) · 2:18am Jul 20th, 2021

After several years of dithering on the matter, I've finally decided to play Telltale Game's version of "The Walking Dead". I'm not a big fan of the "Walking Dead" franchise, but I'm interested in what made it so successful, so this could be an enlightening experience for me. Don't spoil anything for me, just wish me luck in making the best decisions I possibly can.

Report Highlord Langslock · 107 views ·

The C.O.W. Boys - the Mesa · 3:50am Jun 22nd, 2021

Some timr ago, I asked if anyone remembered the cartoon Wild West C.O.W Boys of Moo Mesa. Enough of you replied in the affirmative to convince me that it would be worth my time to discuss my vision for a modern reboot. To keep things simple, I will restrict each idea to its own blog post.

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Loki Tesseracts into Disney+ · 12:13am Jun 10th, 2021

I'm watchin Loki, the newest series from the MCU which chronicles what sort of mischief the god thereof gets into after using the Tesseract to escape his fate in the "sacred" timeline. I won't give any spoilers, but you will never look at the Infinity Stones the same way again. Also, I've never appreciated Thomas Hiddleston's skill with facial expressions until now.

Report Highlord Langslock · 102 views ·

Do You Remember The C.O.W-Boys? · 4:32am May 25th, 2021

Do any of you remember an old-ish cartoon called Wild West C.O.W-Boys of Moo Mesa? I would love to discuss how the network could pull off a modernized reboot the way they pulled of G4 of MLP, but first I need to know how many of you Bronies have actually watched this cartoon and remember it.

Here is a clip to refresh your memories:

Ahh, back when country music was good, am I right? :ajsmug:

Report Highlord Langslock · 155 views ·

Lets Talk About "True Colors" · 12:31am May 23rd, 2021

Although I wouldn’t have been able to watch the second season finale of Amphibia on the day it aired on account of being at work, I was looking forward to reading about it on TV Tropes and later actually watching it online. Unfortunately, Disney channel had not only decided to cancel airing the episode at the last minute for utterly inane reasons, but they were postponing it for two weeks. Like most of the fandom, I was absolutely livid. But then I discovered that the episode had leaked from

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Report Highlord Langslock · 131 views ·

"Firefly" on Disney+ · 1:00am Apr 28th, 2021

Who among you are familiar with Joss Whedon's classic series Firefly? For those who are not, it is one of the the biggest examples of a show that was cancled long before it deserved to be.

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Report Highlord Langslock · 146 views ·

The Spring of Dragon Movies · 3:43am Apr 11th, 2021

Having taken a week off from work, I took the opportunity to watch the dragon-centric movies of the spring, Kong vs Godzilla and Raya and the Last Dragon. Both great movies that I highly recommend. KvG is thrill ride that stomps on the gas and just keeps pushing until it hits the metal in the climax. I just wish they could have done more with the character Maia; seeing the kaiju up close in action took a much needed weed wacker to her ego, and she showed signs of coming to care

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Report Highlord Langslock · 118 views ·

Vaccinated! · 2:38am Apr 1st, 2021

Today, I finally got my first Covid vaccination. My second will be on the 28th of April. It was surprisingly easy; I just walked in, filled out an easy form, got poked, waited fifteen minutes, and walked out. Easy as pie.

If you haven't already, I strongly urge everyone to get the vaccine when it becomes available to you.

Report Highlord Langslock · 118 views ·