Am I... · 5:41am Jan 20th, 2014
One of the few who enjoyed Bulk Biceps in the recent episode. Also, speaking of which, I foresee a lot of Bulk/Shy shipping in the future.
Speaking of the new episode, you got to see yours truly in it as well.
One of the few who enjoyed Bulk Biceps in the recent episode. Also, speaking of which, I foresee a lot of Bulk/Shy shipping in the future.
Speaking of the new episode, you got to see yours truly in it as well.
Just got Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMIX, and I don't remember a lot about the original which was released a LONG time ago, other then the bosses are pretty damn hard, particularly the second Riku fight.
Well, I do remember beating it then when that game came out, and I guess I'll do it again.
Just recently completed it, and quite frankly, I had a blast with it. It may have started out as DLC for Saints Row: The Third, but you know what, I kinda don't care as I enjoyed it.
Favorite weapon? The 'Mercia gun by far seeing how it's like, all guns in one and a flame thrower and rocket launcher to boot.
Statwise what gets views on blogs and what doesn't.
Mainly about how my blog on Equestira Girls got 11 views, on Disney Infinity? None.
Guess its probably due to EqG's infamy more then anything.
Picked it up Sunday, got the three starters and Randy Boggs. Still hoping for a Wreck-It Ralph playset, but unfortunately I don't think they're going to make one, which is odd giving how popular that movie is.
Hope they also make more characters then they have listed in the game, cause I know they're missing quite a bit from the old days of Disney. Here's to hoping.
A couple of days ago I got the infamous Equestria Girls. Haven't had the chance to watch it though.
When I do, more then likely I'll be making a blog about it.
back to your regularly scheduled pegasus.
Sorry Judgement Boy Gold, you're awesome, but well, I wanted to get back to this name and picture.
A chance for Trixie and Queen Chrysalis micro-comics. Yes please.
I am Judgement Boy.
Give me a month to get the Gregory Horror Show fix out of my system and I'll go back to using Thunderlane.
Yes, it was good, and yes, I'm not one of those fans who goes "to much action blah blah blah" neverminding the fact that some of the more popular Trek movies such as the Wrath of Khan and First Contact themselves were more actioney and they were well received.
So anyways, yes, I'd recommend it.