Hello there! · 6:49pm Apr 14th, 2012
Hello! I have an update on my story "I'm a Human!":banditen was kind enough to edit this for me, and give me some ideas. I gave the first chapter more detail, so I suggest reading it one more time if you got confused during some parts of the story. I will start chapter two soon!
Signing out, ~~ Lightning Nova.
UPDATE!:banditen was kind enough to edit I'm a Human! for me, and give me some ideas. I gave the first chapter more detail, so I suggest reading it one more time if you got confused during some parts of the story. I will start chapter two soon!
signing out ~~ Lightning Novafbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/425485_252805864803062_247219728695009_553674_457968720_n.jpg