My OC · 7:06pm Nov 5th, 2015
Portrait of my OC Emerald Rain.
My OC Dark Storm
I write sins, not tragedies. Patreon so I can continue doing... whatever it is I do.
Portrait of my OC Emerald Rain.
My OC Dark Storm
I nearly cut onions on this one. Enjoy:[youtube=]
I have a short three month hiatus in my writing and its like nobody notices me anymore! Where did everyone go? I'm back!
Don't leave me to die, cold and alone!
Sorry folks! I was gone because I was in quite a bind.
But I'm back in the saddle, and ready to pick up where I left off in this glorious fandom. Expect my productions to be 20% cooler!
P.S. PM me for details on why I was gone.
Hello, fellow Equestrians! I am in a situation, here. I need a coverart for one of my stories, but do not have means of acquiring one. At least, not one that costs money. All I need is as simple as a sketch or line art, with details, but nothing heavy. I can help you back in any way you request if you can provide me cover art. Thanks
Okay, seen in several stories, in the descriptions, "tracks" to songs in the story. We can't use lyrics but we can use tracks or links?
So, my current dilemma is that I try to use and idiom for every chapter title of my story (part two), but for my latest chapter, I'm stumped. My OC will be taking Fluttershy to Manehattan to propose to her...any idioms/clever phrases I can/should use?
As I submit a new chapter of my beloved book the other day, I couldn't help but notice how little the traffic was on my story. After careful analysis and critique of my own story, I also realized how cliché and... yes, I admit... boring, it sounded. I guess I feel that there isn't enough to catch the readers attention and imagination. So, in light of this predicament, I decided a proofread (or two) could really make a difference. Thus, my blog title... please? Anybody? I'm dying