I Approach 400 Followers... · 2:10am Aug 5th, 2020
...Wat du?
I write sins, not tragedies. Patreon so I can continue doing... whatever it is I do.
...Wat du?
Another list of useless but fascinating facts! Enjoy!
1. Most toilets flush in E flat.
2. France was still executing people by guillotine when the first Star Wars movie came out.
3. A duck’s quack doesn’t echo, and nobody can figure out why.
4. At any one time about 0.7% of the world’s population is drunk.
5. 315 entries in Webster’s Dictionary were misspelled.
6. A pound of houseflies contains more protein than a pound of beef. Better get to eatin'!
E-rated fluffy romance awaits you. Give it a read!
Weekly facts! Get 'em while they're still fresh!
1. As of May 2015, 2.3 Million Americans still subscribed to AOL Dial Up Internet.
2. The word ‘oxymoron’ is itself an oxymoron. This is because it derives from Ancient Greek where ‘oxy’ means ‘sharp’ and ‘moros’ means ‘stupid’.
3. 2013 was the first year since 1987 to feature four different numbers.
Remember these? I don't. Which is why I should finish them, correct?
That I will!
Yes, it's true -- I will be working on the next installment of the Grammar and Punctuation lessons started so many years ago. I apologize for the lengthy delay, but sometimes life interferes where it is not welcome, and all we can do is work with the hand we are dealt.
I have done some moving around on my userpage, as well as updating a couple things there. Just trying to keep things neat and tidy. Also, I didn't really like the layout before.
Here's your weekly dose of facts! Enjoy!
1. There is a hybrid animal bred in some stockyards for its meat called a beefalo -- a cross between a cow and a buffalo.
2. Samsung tests the durability of their phones with a butt-shaped robot that sometimes even wears jeans.
3. A man in Texas was hospitalized after he was hit with his own bullet after it ricocheted off of an armadillo he shot.
Weekly facts! Enjoy!
1. Squirrels cause a majority of the yearly power outages in the United States.
2. A woman once lost her wedding ring in compost unknowingly, only to find it years later on a carrot in her garden!
3. You can buy green, blue and purple gold. These colors are produced by alloying multiple metals with gold.
4. You are more likely to get viruses from religious websites than pornographic ones.
5. Cotton candy was invented by a dentist.
366 Hours has been updated. Give it a read if you know what's good for ya! :)
So, for those who are following, 366 Hours is getting close to being finished. I can share that it is within two chapters of being complete. However, I find myself curious as to who is following the story and what they think. (I'm also trying to figure out if there is a following enough to warrant a sequel.)
If you are reading/following that story, what are your thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas?