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Twilight and Sunset's Adventures
Book 1: A Sunlight Story Sunset Shimmer after much thought returns to Equestria to redeem herself from her past. With the help of Twilight, can Sunset be forgiven for what she did? by Universal Timegate 24,744 words · 91 · 19
The adventures of this perfect couple.
My Most favorite Stories
A Sunlit Night When Twilight runs out of royal duties and busy work, she decides on another way to spend her time while her friends are away. Using the mirror portal, she finds her Canterlot High friends. However, is there something wrong with Sunset Shimmer? by ulquiorra1 16,319 words · 546 · 19
Summer Sunset Summer vacation has arrived in the human world and Sunset Shimmer takes a trip back to Equestria. However she comes back to something more than she bargained for. by RobRoyale 47,257 words · 447 · 23
Marefriend Advisor After redemption, traveling back to the human world, and defeating Chrysalis, Sunset Shimmer will now face a new kind of challenge: Being an advisor for her marefriend Princess Twilight Sparkle. by RobRoyale 33,911 words · 200 · 11
- Twilight asks Sunset for advice when she finds herself with a personal issue.CinnamonSwirltheBreaded · 2.6k words · 173 3 · 4.5k views
My computer is updating to Windows 10 and will take a while to do so. In terms of understanding... I can't update or work on my fics.
Thank you again for adding my Sunset/Twilight short story to your Favorites list!
1838701 Yeah I changed my name to my OC.
Hey, how are you doing? I almost didn't recognize you there with the name change! You used to be SilentStrike43, right? Long time no see!
Not to Spoil anything but... There is a sequel to the story "A Sunlight Story". If you guys have noticed that I haven't told what happened with Luna when she went to investigate the wreckage of the blast that Celestia has caused. Well i'm not going to spoil much but, things begin to take a small toll downhill with Equestria and the Griffon Empire.
Also yes, This book will HAVE a storyline to follow and HAVE editors to correct each chapter. Just let me finish up this one first.
Hey, I'd just like to let you know that I really appreciate your fav of The Snow in Her Mane! That story was an experiment for me, and I'm really happy that you liked it.
1712513 It was a good read I'll read more of your stories when I have the time.
Thanks for the fave my friend. Hope you enjoyed reading my story.
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